One of the student's favorite things to do is make Shrinky Dinks. I mean, who can resist them? I change up what we make with them every year, and this year we did a little Pop Art twist with them. Ideally, they were making necklaces or keychains, but we never got that far. The end of the year got crazy, and with all the special activities, we just couldn't get it together. They did all get to take them home, so I am hoping that they were able to do something with them! I did a lesson on Onomatopoeia, and we looked at some Roy Lichenstein artwork, and they got to it. We drew the words on paper first, then used sharpies to write on the slick side of the Shrinky Dinks. Sharpies on Slick! On the rough side of the plastic, they used colored pencils. That really is the best way to do it. Too much of the Sharpie and there is a major stink fest going on! The ooohs and ahhhs when you shrink the plastic makes me smile! I use a heat gun, and they are allowed to come back and watch the transformation. I promise I offered more ideas than Boom and Crash, but those were the overwhelming choices. Kids are funny little creatures, aren't they?

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